Subtitle: : Making work on Blogger/Blogspot
Google doesn't offer any built in stats for blogger/blogspot, but it does offer a few recommendations in the help section. The coolest of these in my opinion is StatCounter ( The best feature is the world map that it generates with markers where different people who have accessed your blog are from.
I had a bit of difficulty getting it to work for me here on blogspot so it thought i would write up a few notes on what challenges i had & how i solved them for - as they say - posterity.
First of all - go to statcounter & sign up for an account & all that. I didn't find any of that too difficult, other than slightly tiresome.
When it comes to the generate html code phase - in the "StatCounter Code Setup Wizard" I chose the following:
a) Visible Counter
b) Unique Visits only
c) Counter Image
d) Choose your own colours. I did opt for the "View My Stats" Link
e) I did choose "Yes my website uses frames" but i doubt it matters. I tried "html only" code, but in the end it didn't matter much. In the end i used the default javascript-containing code.
f) I went for the "Default Install Guide"
I got as far as that without any difficulty - where i had some trouble was "Where do I paste this code to?"
After quite a bit of trial and error, I went to the "Template" section of my blog and found i could put it in there. At the bottom of my template there was a commented section that said:
"!--This is an optional footer. If you want text here, place it inside these tags, and remove this comment. --"
Actually i didn't remove the tags as intructed, but pasted the code in between this tag & the /footer tag and Voila - my stat counter is up & running.
It's at the bottom of the blog - scroll all the way down to the bottom of this page to have a look. If you click the "Detailed Stats" link, you can actually see the up-to-date stats for this blog. The "Recent Visitor Map" link at the left of that screen is the cool map I mentioned that will show you where your visitors are from.
At any rate - I hope that works for you & Happy Statcounting.